Category Archives: English

Stretch and dropbear: important upgrade notes

I used cryptsetup + dropbear in initramfs often. The integration in Debian was sometimes “strange”, but reading the doc was enough. With stretch I found some problems; I found the solutions, too, so hope this would be useful

authorized_keys path

dropbear in initramfs will only allow login from root. The keys used to be read from /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/authorized_keys

The path was weird, and it changed to /etc/dropbear-initramfs/authorized_keys. This is great and more logical, but AFAIK undocumented and without retrocompatibility.

UUID for root partition in fstab is not supported

Yep. You’d better use /dev/mapper/cryptoroot as device path. It’s just as reliable as the UUID.

use the same mapper name on the install system and the installed system

That’s hard to explain. I was installing debian from a rescue system using debootstrap, then manually editing relevant files, then running

chroot /mnt/ update-initramfs -u -k all

Unforunately, I mounted /mnt/ using cryptsetup open /dev/sda1 root, but /mnt/etc/crypttab mentioned the same device as cryptoroot. update-initramfs doesn’t like this discrepancy.

ethernet persistent naming

I know, that’s not a bug, and that’s widely known. However, I find some edges confusing. For example, the initramfs called my interface “eth0” but on the main system it was “enp3s0”. I would have also liked to have an easy way to know what name my ethernet interface would have had with persistent naming enabled


I’m not totally sure about it because I was testing, and maybe my conclusions are wrong. However, at first boot it did not log anything. When I created /var/log/journal, log finally appeared. I think this doesn’t match the documentation, which states that creating /var/log/journal is only needed to log in journald format, not to log to /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages

What’s in a VPN? Posing!

So you have tincd running. You’d better add

GraphDumpFile = /tmp/

to its configuration.


After that, you can put this script in your user’s crontab, every minute


export DISPLAY=:0

[[ -f “$src” ]] || exit

dot -Ksfdp -Gratio=1.7 -Gsize=18,18 -Gbgcolor=’#0000aa’ -Ncolor=red -Nfontcolor=orange -Ecolor=yellow -Edir=none “$src” -Tpng|feh –bg-center –

what do you have now? an ugly desktop background with which you can watch your vpn graph, for vpn’s sake.Metralleta_like_a_boss

Archive maildir

How do you handle archiving old mails in your maildir?

#!/usr/bin/env zsh
where=(--where .)
zparseopts -K -E -D -A opts '-where:=where' -days:
if [[ -z ${opts[--days]} ]]; then
if [[ $# != 2 ]]; then
    cat <<EOUSAGE >&2
Usage: $0 [options] from to
Moves old emails

    --where PATH Path to move emails from; that is, move <from>/PATH/x/y/z to <to>/PATH/x/y/z
                 If omitted, assumes '.': every email inside <from> will be moved
    exit 1

to=$(realpath $2)

cd $from
echo find $from -type f -mtime "+${opts[--days]}" -print
find ${where[2]} -type f -mtime "+${opts[--days]}" -print |
while read f; do
    mkdir -p $(dirname $to/$f)
    mv $f $to/$f

And then I run ~/Mail ~/Mail/Archive --where folder_I_want_to_archive --days 15

NOTE: my setup is ~/Mail is indexed by notmuch; ~/Mail/accountname for each account I have. Moving the mail to ~/Mail/Archive/ does not create any problem to notmuch.

today’s buzzwords: gitolitev3, gitweb, nginx, gitolite-shell

NOTE: This article has not been written by me. The author is someone who is able to do all this magic stuff, but still hasn’t managed to create an account on Go figure.

We would set up gitolite with wild repos to have a structure like CREATOR/..* , so for example the amin manages the keys and everyone can have her repositories and permission config (given the roles supplied by the aministrator). The hosting user of gitolite will be `git` with home directory /srv/vcs/git/ and the one for nginx will be `www-data` with base root in /srv/www/hostname/ (put www-data in the git group with gpasswd -a www-data git).

We will have key authenticathed repositories with ssh, and anonymous one by https (if you like you could switch basic auth in nginx and have out of the box authenticated gitolite access).

To create a new repo a user gives the gitolite admin her ssh keys, and then does

git clone git@hotname:user/repo.git

Now to give read permission to user2 she does

ssh git@hostname perms user/repo + READERS user2

Finally, to have a repo with gitweb and anonymous clone she does

ssh git@hostname perms user/repo + READERS @PUB

In debian wheezy there is still no gitolite 3, pull that from source.
install it and config a gitolite-admin like this:

 repo gitolite-admin
      RW+     =   admin

  @PUB = gitweb daemon

  repo    CREATOR/..*
      C   =   @all
      RW+D =   CREATOR
      RW  =   WRITERS
      R   =   READERS

      config  gitweb.url = git clone https://hostname/%GL_REPO.git
      config  gitweb.owner = %GL_CREATOR
      config  receive.denyNonFastforwards = true

in /srv/vcs/git/.gitolite.rc modify

UMASK                       =>  0027,
GIT_CONFIG_KEYS             =>  'gitweb\.(owner|description|category|url) receive.denyNonFastforwards receive.denyDeletes',
COMMANDS                    =>
            'help'              =>  1,
            'desc'              =>  1,
            # 'fork'            =>  1,
            'info'              =>  1,
            # 'mirror'          =>  1,
            'perms'             =>  1,
            # 'sskm'            =>  1,
            'writable'          =>  1,
            'D'               =>  1,

sskm is useful to have users upgrade their supplied ssh keys, activate it if needed.

Now configure gitweb to use gitolite-shell to manage authorization and put those files in /srv/www/hostname/ , for exampe put there gitweb.conf site/gitweb.css site/gitweb.js etcetera.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# Per-repo authorization for gitweb using gitolite v3 access rules
# Read comments, modify code as needed, and include in gitweb.conf

# Please note that the author does not have personal experience with gitweb
# and does not use it.  Some testing may be required.  Patches welcome but
# please make sure they are tested against a "github" version of gitolite and
# not an RPM or a DEB, for obvious reasons.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# First, run 'gitolite query-rc -a' (as the gitolite hosting user) to find the
# values for GL_BINDIR and GL_LIBDIR in your installation.  Then use those
# values in the code below:

    $ENV{HOME} = "/srv/vcs/git/";   # or whatever is the hosting user's $HOME
    $ENV{GL_BINDIR} = "/usr/share/gitolite";
    $ENV{GL_LIBDIR} = "/usr/share/gitolite/lib";

# Pull in gitolite's perl API module.  Among other things, this also sets the
# GL_REPO_BASE environment variable.
use lib $ENV{GL_LIBDIR};
use Gitolite::Easy;
use CGI;
my $cgi = new CGI;

# Set projectroot for gitweb.  If you already set it earlier in gitweb.conf
# you don't need this but please make sure the path you used is the same as
# the value of GL_REPO_BASE in the 'gitolite query-rc -a' output above.
$projectroot = $ENV{GL_REPO_BASE};

# Now get the user name.  Unauthenticated clients will be deemed to be the
# 'gitweb' user so make sure gitolite's conf file does not allow that user to
# see anything sensitive.
$ENV{GL_USER} = $cgi->remote_user || "gitweb";

$export_auth_hook = sub {
    my $repo = shift;
    # gitweb passes us the full repo path; we need to strip the beginning and
    # the end, to get the repo name as it is specified in gitolite conf
    return unless $repo =~ s/^\Q$projectroot\E\/?(.+)\.git$/$1/;

    # call's 'can_read' function
    return can_read($repo);

# stylesheet to use
$stylesheet = "gitweb.css";

# javascript code for gitweb
$javascript = "gitweb.js";

# logo to use
$logo = "git-logo.png";

# the 'favicon'
$favicon = "git-favicon.png";

# enable nicer uris
$feature{pathinfo}{default} = [1];
# # root link text
$home_link_str = 'hostname';
$site_name = 'hostname';

Now configure nginx to serve gitweb and gitolite-shell for anonimous clone, not the default paths of gitweb.cgi and gitolite-shell that are the defaults in debian.

server {
    listen   [::]:80;
    server_name hostname;
    rewrite ^ https://$uri permanent;
server {
    listen [::]:443 ssl;

    ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/private/nginx/web.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/nginx/web.key;

    ssl_session_timeout 5m;

    ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1;
    ssl_ciphers ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT56:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv3:+EXP;
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

    server_name hostname;

    access_log /srv/www/hostname/log/nginx/access.log;
    error_log /srv/www/hostname/log/nginx/error.log;

    root /srv/www/hostname/;

    # static repo files for cloning over https
    # requests that need to go to git-http-backend
    location ~ ^(.*\.git/objects/([0-9a-f]+/[0-9a-f]+|pack/pack-[0-9a-f]+.(pack|idx)))|(^.*\.git/(HEAD|info/refs|objects/info/.*|git-(upload|receive)-pack))$ {
        root /srv/vcs/git/;

        fastcgi_param HTTPS on;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME   /usr/bin/gitolite-shell;
        fastcgi_param PATH_INFO         $uri;
        fastcgi_param GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME  /srv/vcs/git;
        fastcgi_param GIT_PROJECT_ROOT  /srv/vcs/git/repositories;
        if ($remote_user ~ ""){
            set $user "gitweb";
        if ($remote_user !~ ""){
            set $user $remote_user;

        fastcgi_param REMOTE_USER $user;
        include fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket;

    location ~ .cgi {
        try_files @gitweb 404.html;
    location ~ ^/site/ {
        try_files $uri 404.html;
    # send anything else to gitweb if it's not a real file
    location /  {
        fastcgi_param HTTPS on;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME   /usr/share/gitweb/gitweb.cgi;
        fastcgi_param PATH_INFO         $uri;
        fastcgi_param AUTH_USER $remote_user;
        fastcgi_param REMOTE_USER $remote_user;
        fastcgi_param GITWEB_CONFIG     /srv/www/hostname/gitweb.conf;
        fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket;

route tables: powerful and selective use of VPNs


I regularly use a VPN. Unfortunately there are some sites (ie ) that are viewable with my connection, but not with VPN’s one (yes, the opposite of the typical case).
I need to handle them.


Just ip-rule

Routing tables are cool. Here’s how to force every connection to $IP using as gateway. This will bypass any other gateway (tipically, a VPN)

echo 200 forcelocal | sudo tee -a /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
 sudo ip route add to default via dev eth0 table forcelocal
 sudo ip rule add to $IP table forcelocal

Of course the last line could be repeated for any IP you want to “enforce”.

More advanced filters

iptables can filter in such a good way that we want to use it. so:

sudo iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 42 -j MARK --set-mark 1
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source=$YOUR_LOCAL_IP
sudo ip rule add fwmark 1 pri 100 table forcelocal

here, 42 is the UID of “privoxy”, so that we can run a SOCKS proxy having access just to “direct” connection. Anyway you can use any user (so you can create a “novpn” user) or any iptables rule. Powerful and simple.

An opt-out configuration (based on firefox+privoxy)

Usually, I want my traffic to be tunneled through VPN. Sometimes I don’t.

So I set up a local privoxy instance. As the privoxy UID is “forcelocal”ed, it will run directly

If I want to force local connection for a website, I configure FireProxy to use a local privoxy instance as proxy for that site. This is easy and works well. And I can easily switch behaviour if I need.

If I want to force local connection for a different protocol/application, I just write an iptables rule that matches it. An example is bittorrent, for which I still don’t have a solution


mutt, hooks, boredom

Mutt hooks are great, altough very simple they are quite flexible for my needs. However, I hate writing them. I find it really boring.

So I came up with a “compiler” for mutt hooks, starting from a simple YAML file. You can find it on gist.github

It is made like this:

- domains: [,]
  from: 'Name Surname <my business>'
- domains: [, hotmail.*]
  from: 'sk4teNB33r <>'
- addresses: [, some@one.else, dearly@belov.ed]
  from: 'oh another address <>'
- addresses: [paranoid@foo.zap, crypto@reb.el]
  from: 'secret address <>'
  # Mails for these people will be encrypted and signed, for maximum security
  gpg: 'crypt sign'

and you can just run

python2 hooks.yaml > hooks.mutt

Then in your muttrc you can add

send-hook . 'reset pgp_autoencrypt'
source hooks.mutt

and you’re done

My IRC bouncer: systemd, znc, tor, socat


IRC is the chat protocol I use everyday. I’d like to do it in a secure way, but xchat is really dumb, and doesn’t allow certificate pinning. Tor hidden services are great in this, because their name is also the proof of their identity; you can’t have MITM with them.

Then we have another problem: tor on a home ADSL connection is usually slow and unreliable. It’s annoying to have a client which disconnects from time to time.

As I have a server, I’ll run tor and irc on that server, using a bouncer. Then I’ll connect to the bouncer using his own tor hidden service; this time, even if the connection is unreliable, it’s not a big deal: my bouncer will stay fine, and I will not lose messages.

So here’s the plan: a debian box with “torified” znc; it will be used to connect to networks through tor.


About systemd: on a plain wheezy installation, just apt-get install systemd systemd-sysv.

I love it: it’s easier to see the status of your machine, easier to write advanced configurations for your daemons, and I feel much more in control when restricting capabilities of my daemons is so easy.

Having to start from a “vanilla” box, I chose to use it, because I had to manage “complex” relationships between programs that don’t like to behave as daemons.


Znc is easy to install and configure; the bad part is that it is not easy to “torify” it, so we’ll just let him connect to socat, which will do the heavy job (just use localhost:4141)


Then we need to install tor, socat, znc.

Some notes about the following services:

  • socat -ly daemon is to make it use syslog
  • the restartsec is because we need the address to be freed

This is tor.service:

Description=Anonymizing Overlay Network

ExecStart=/usr/bin/tor -f /etc/tor/torrc --quiet
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


This is znc.service

Description=IRC Bouncer



This, instead, is socat_torai.service

Description=Socket for a/i hidden service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/socat -lydaemon TCP4-LISTEN:4141,fork,bind=localhost SOCKS4A:localhost:wi7qkxyrdpu5cmvr.onion:6667,socksport=9050


TODO and footnotes

  • If we really want to ensure that znc is totally torified, we should deny him access to net. This should be easy to do with systemd PrivateNetwork option
  • A bit of  security wouldn’t be bad: I’d like to deny as much as possible (/etc, /var/, …) using InaccessibleDirectories, but I still have not tested it
  • We could have used another approach for “torifying” znc, that is redsocks + some iptables rule. Maybe it would have been even easier.